by Chris Jones | Jul 20, 2017 | Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips
Deciding to separate or divorce from your spouse or partner is often one of the most stressful life transitions that we embark on. It can be difficult to take care of yourself while also being a supportive caregiver for your kids—who have their own feelings and...
by Chris Jones | Jun 28, 2017 | Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips
Yep, I used the word ‘rage.’ You know exactly what I mean if you have a young child who has trouble handling their strong emotions and ends up screaming, melting down, and hitting you, your partner, your nanny or caregiver, or, most mortifying of all, grandma....
by Chris Jones | Jun 19, 2017 | Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips
Ahhh, the carefree days of summer … the word summer still conjures up a great number of positive associations for me, as I hope it does for you. As a child summer meant barbeques, long days at the beach or pool, and nights spent biking around with friends (after...
by Chris Jones | Jun 6, 2017 | Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Tips
For many families, June is a mixed bag. The routines of the school year, and the rounds of year-end celebrations and rituals, suddenly give way to summer, which, with its promises of freedom and leisure, can create a new kind of stress. That stress is most keenly felt...
by Chris Jones | May 25, 2017 | Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips
Do you have a master negotiator at home—a child who likes to control every conversation and tries to change the rules to suit his needs? If so, you may be stuck in the cycle of frequent, exhausting parent-child power struggles. Kids who crave control may fight parents...
by Chris Jones | May 9, 2017 | Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips
How would you describe your child’s spirit? You might find that a tough question to answer. What do we mean by “spirit,” really? I define spirit as the type of energy we bring: whether to a room, a conversation, our work, a musical instrument, or other activity....
by Chris Jones | May 1, 2017 | Leisure & Vacation, Media Safety, Preteens & Teens
At their best modern devices are helpful tools and can make our lives easier. At their worst, they are remarkably addictive, and research now clearly shows that their use can lead to a host of behavioral, interpersonal, and mood issues for people of all ages. If you...
by Chris Jones | Apr 17, 2017 | Leisure & Vacation, Toddlers
Because there are dozens of fun, outdoor festivals offered each spring and summer around the Bay Area, the hardest choice for families might be deciding which ones to attend. The Third Annual Parents Place Family Fun Day is coming up on Sunday, April 23rd in Palo...
by Chris Jones | Mar 23, 2017 | Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Special Challenges
Nearly all children will have fears or worries at some point during childhood—fears of the dark, of heights, of spiders, or monsters. But for up to a third of children and adolescents, their fears become profound and can develop into an anxiety disorder. Most parents...
by Chris Jones | Mar 13, 2017 | Discipline & Behavior
You’re sitting relaxing for a few precious minutes before getting ready to make dinner, and you hear yelling echoing from the back of the house. You tear back there to find your child in what looks like a brawl with a sibling. Once separated you proceed to yell...