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Does My Child Need Therapy? 6 Signs Your Child Should See a Therapist

Are you concerned about your child’s well-being? Recognizing signs that may indicate a need for therapy is crucial for their mental health and development. Therapy can provide valuable support and intervention to address a range of emotional, behavioral, and social challenges that children may face. Therapy offers a safe space for children to explore their...

Toddler Tantrums—How to Manage and Prevent Them

Wild, wonderful and ever so challenging. The toddler set, those little ones under three, are delightful … cute and curious, learning so much, so quickly, and with sudden mood changes you wonder what entity took over your child’s body! You were once a great parent, and in the face of toddler meltdowns, whining, and irritability...

Approaching the Tween Years

It seems to happen overnight. You go to sleep and wake up as usual… only to find the sweet, cuddly, innocent child you knew the night before has become a TWEEN. While an exaggeration, many parents feel blindsided by the changes in their child during the tween years. So, what exactly is a tween? In...