Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Skills Join in the Fun! Family Fun Day in Palo Alto is May 1 **** This article was written in advance of Family Fun Day in 2015. Family Fun Day 2019 is coming up on April 28, register here > The... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills Take Care of Yourself: 3 Easy Habits As parents it’s so easy to become focused on helping our children to cultivate good habits. We know how important it is for kids... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Preteens & Teens Tips to Stay Connected with Your Teen Adolescence is a time when children and parents begin to spend less time together. It is a time when teens begin to develop their... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips A Different Approach for Daily Routines: 6 Steps for Success Parents often struggle on a daily basis to get their kids to do the most basic tasks. Requests to get dressed, brush teeth, put away... Continue Reading
Leisure & Vacation, Media Safety, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Technology vs. the Art of Conversation Increasingly we rely on technology, email, voicemail, Facebook, Snapchat, and texting to communicate with others. It is not uncommon for... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills The Parenting Journey — Our Children Are the Guides Parents hear so often about how important it is to support our children’s emotional needs, and that we must serve as their social... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Toddlers “NO! You can’t make me!” When Kids Resist Something New Renee, mother of 5-year-old Jonathan, called me with her most recent challenge. Here’s how she described it: Jonathan can get very... Continue Reading
Bullying Prevention, Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills Thoughts on Raising Compassionate Children I recently read an article put out by the Chopra Center shortly before their Global Meditation Day. I was moved by the article and... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Where Did the Village Go? We are all familiar with the over used expression “It takes a village to raise a child,” but how many of us believe this and live by... Continue Reading
Birth - First Year, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Toddlers Sacrifice, Joy, and 12 Tips for Surviving as New Parents Some regard parenthood as the ultimate “sacrifice” in life because it requires us to put another life before ourselves. It’s no... Continue Reading