Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Raising Boys, Raising Girls, School Challenges Kindergarten Here We Come! It is that time of year when children everywhere are getting excited—and perhaps a little anxious—about the new school year starting. No... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Nurturing a Gritty Kid Grit, as defined by world-renowned psychologist Dr. Angela Duckworth, PhD, is “our passion and perseverance for long-term goals.”... Continue Reading
Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Tips Is Our Family Ready for a Pet? Before you spontaneously head off the SPCA or Humane Society with your kids, consider taking some time to think through the decision to... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Six Ways to Motivate Kids to Do Chores Getting children to do chores—and even getting ourselves to do chores—can be a chore in and of itself. We grumble and resist, and so do... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Parenting through Separation and Divorce—5 Ways to Practice Self-Care Deciding to separate or divorce from your spouse or partner is often one of the most stressful life transitions that we embark on. It... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Child Rage: Helping Young Kids Cope With Rage Yep, I used the word ‘rage.’ You know exactly what I mean if you have a young child who has trouble handling their strong emotions and... Continue Reading
Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Prepare for a Safe Summer: 4 Tips for Kids to Handle Predators and Risky Situations Ahhh, the carefree days of summer … the word summer still conjures up a great number of positive associations for me, as I hope it does... Continue Reading
Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Tips 5 Ways to Help Your Family Transition to Summer For many families, June is a mixed bag. The routines of the school year, and the rounds of year-end celebrations and rituals, suddenly... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips The Struggle for Control: Who’s in Charge Here? Do you have a master negotiator at home—a child who likes to control every conversation and tries to change the rules to suit his needs?... Continue Reading
Leisure & Vacation, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips 9 Tips to Nurture a Child’s Spirit How would you describe your child’s spirit? You might find that a tough question to answer. What do we mean by “spirit,” really? I... Continue Reading