Birth - First Year, Grandparenting, Parenting Skills Being Grandparents It is so exciting to have a new grandchild, and of course all we want to do is help! We newly minted grandparents have “been there... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips The Hammer and the Marshmallow: When Parents Disagree on Discipline Difficult parenting moments are challenging for everyone, but when you and your partner disagree on how to manage them, it can make a... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips 3 Magic Phrases for Parents These encouraging words will work wonders on your kids. Knowing what to say to your children isn’t always easy—especially when you... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills, Toddlers Got the Potty Blues? It’s more common than you might think—Frequent accidents … Refusing to poop on the potty… Withholding … Fear of the toilet or... Continue Reading
Choosing Schools, Education Choosing an Elementary School—A Community Your Whole Family Can Enjoy It’s the time of year when families of 4-year-olds focus on the next big step in their child’s schooling—Kindergarten and... Continue Reading
Bullying Prevention, Discipline & Behavior, Education, Media Safety, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Preteens & Teens 13 Reasons Why—My child wants to watch it, how do I decide? The popular Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has caused controversy among some who think the show glorifies teen suicide. The series... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips 12 Ways to Stay Connected with Your Child Once School Starts School is back in session! Some of us have gone from the bliss of long summer days and lazy schedules to a tight regime of waking up... Continue Reading
Media Safety, News, Preteens & Teens Can you please talk, not text? Parenting the Instagram generation The Christian Science Monitor by Michael B. Farrell and Jessica Mendoza Can kids be encouraged to let go of the virtual world —... Continue Reading
Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips, Raising Boys, Raising Girls, School Challenges Kindergarten Here We Come! It is that time of year when children everywhere are getting excited—and perhaps a little anxious—about the new school year starting. No... Continue Reading
Discipline & Behavior, Parenting Skills, Parenting Tips Nurturing a Gritty Kid Grit, as defined by world-renowned psychologist Dr. Angela Duckworth, PhD, is “our passion and perseverance for long-term goals.”... Continue Reading