The Problem with “Good Job”

The Problem with “Good Job”

It’s a natural thing to do. Your child has done something that pleases you, and out pops that familiar phrase: “Good job!” We hear it all around us. For many of us, it becomes a particularly entrenched verbal habit, born out of our desire to be positive and...
Giving our Children an Important Part of Ourselves

Giving our Children an Important Part of Ourselves

As parents, we want nothing more than to provide our children with everything possible. We seek to give them the best education, enroll them in a variety of extracurricular interests, and raise them in an environment of love and stability. We try to secure their...
Mommy Fatigue

Mommy Fatigue

What better day to write about “mommy fatigue” than this one? Last night, as I tiptoed in to check on my peacefully sleeping girls, I watched my eldest break into a coughing fit, resulting in her throwing up on the 15 stuffed animals she insists on sleeping with every...
Is This My Child? Parents Place Helps Parents Succeed

Is This My Child? Parents Place Helps Parents Succeed

“How can our son be so different from us?” asked Marsha, who describes herself and her husband, Ben, as bookish geeks. “Everyone in our family is quiet and reflective,” she said. “It’s as if Jack, our son, landed from another planet.” Energetic, loud, and...