Children, Nightmares, and Night Terrors

Children, Nightmares, and Night Terrors

What do you do if your little one is waking during the night from a bad dream and refuses to go back to sleep? Or what if your little one refuses to go to sleep at bedtime because he has had bad dreams several nights in a row? And what if your child has been...
Impulse Control for Children

Impulse Control for Children

Even though we all know that 2-year-olds are impulsive, it can still be tough to manage aggressive behaviors such as biting, hitting, pushing, or throwing. When a baby swipes at us or throws a rattle, we may think it’s cute. But somehow, it seems like toddlers...
Your Little Pathogen of Love

Your Little Pathogen of Love

A dear friend of mine once asked, “Why do you work with kids?” Not knowing exactly what she meant, I sought clarification. She replied, “You know, kids are so sticky! And messy. And full of germs!” We chuckled together because, it’s true. Even comedian Louis...
Sleep Like a Baby?

Sleep Like a Baby?

Two weeks ago, my baby suddenly started waking every one to two hours at night. He won’t go back to sleep unless I feed or hold him. Does this mean I need to do sleep training? This is a question I hear several times a week from parents of babies in my Baby and...